
2005 - 2016

Created by Jodie 6 years ago

Emett (or Emmy as he was known to his family and friends) was a truly beautiful soul. He had worked as a Guide Dog until he was nearly 4 years old and was loved dearly by the lady he guided, Janice, and her husband Jim. Emmy retired as a Guide Dog when Janice sadly passed away and Jim was heartbroken when he had to find a new home for Emmy. We were very sad that Jim had to go through such heartache but we felt so lucky and honoured that we were chosen to give Emmy his new home. From the minute he arrived in to our lives on 2nd November 2005 he was cherished and adored. He was spoiled rotten by me, my parents and all of our family and friends. Anyone who met Emmy fell instantly in love with him. He was incredibly loving and gentle. He was playful at times but also liked just lying on the sofa next to me or snoozing on the floor with his toys. He loved his food, like all Labradors do, and we enjoyed spoiling him even though it meant we were regularly scolded by the vet and repeatedly advised to try and help Emmy lose weight. The truth is no-one could resist his beautiful, big, brown, pleading eyes. He was never left on his own and when my Mam and I weren't with him he always had his Dad or his Aunty Joyce and Uncle Ken or friends Susan and Neill with him to keep him company. In his younger days he loved going for walks around the marina near our home or round the park and he loved chasing his ball up the nearby hill or on any large stretch of grass, especially Percy Park. He got excited when he visited Bolam Lake and leapt around in the water like a puppy. He loved his toys and he had 3 laundry baskets full to brim of toys of all shapes and sizes, his favourite being his Slothie. When Emmy started slowing down and becoming less active he was just as happy meandering over to the corner of our street for a sniff and toilet stop or going in our garden and lying under his tree. His favourite position was on the sofa next to me and even when he could no longer manage to jump up he lay at my feet and as long as he was close to me and was being stroked and cuddled he was content. His last few weeks weren't too good but we made sure he had a wonderful quality of life right until the end came and when it did on Friday 22nd July 2016 he was at home and in my arms with his Mam and Dad by his side. Emmy was my best friend and my soul mate and my heart will always be broken. I will never forget him, I will love him forever, he will always be in my heart and never far from my thoughts. Love you and miss you baby boy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx